Individual Therapy

We assist with a wide variety of mental health issues. Some of the issues include: anxiety, depression, stress, PTSD, anger management,relationships, chronic pain, sleep issues, and life transitions and adjustment.

Transgender and the LGBTQ Community

In a safe, affirming, stigma-free environment, we specialize in therapy for persons who identity as transgender and gender non-conforming, as well as those who are wishing to explore their gender and/or sexuality. 

Couple and Family Therapy

Are you and your partner struggling to communicate and connect?
Almost every couples comes up against challenges. Couples therapy can assist you and your partner to reconnect, grow and learn more about each other. 

Does it feel like your family has fallen apart?
​Family issues are extremely common​. Family therapy provides insight, skills and support​.

Stress Management, Work-Life Balance
and Mindfulness

Stressed out? All work and no play ?
Learn how to manage the stress and stressors in your life. We guide and instruct ways to use and master relaxation and mindfulness techniques to achieve improved balance.

Testing and Evaluations

Neuropsychological Testing 
Assessments for, brain injuries, strokes, accidents and other neurological deficits.
Psychological Testing
Adult and child assessments for, IQ, personality, gifted, achievement, learning disabilities and autism